Thursday, April 17, 2008


again, i was unable to sleep well due to my intestines. i was able to sleep for a few hours this morning. it looks like everything is back to normal on the sleeping front. i cannot remember the last time i slept though the night before the surgery. it has been years. the inflammatory and pain killers allowed me some solid sleep. i guess those days are over.

i dropped off my stool specimen. i hope to have results by the end of the week. i left a message for my neurologist to see where and when he has scheduled my blood work. i hope he will get back to me soon.


Anonymous said...

I was eating breakfast and reading your blog, I thought it was safe enough to do that :)

Hang in there... can't wait to see you. Yong's been keeping me posted somewhat but I have a sense I know more than him (what's new?) Haha.

- Linda

Anonymous said...

Salut Patrick!

I hope you're feeling much better and having a speedy and remarkable recovery. You're like a celebrity now with your own popular blog and your sense of humor. If you are craving egg rolls or any homemade Asian cuisine, please let me know (from your blog, I learned that you were a big and not picky eater). Choux a la creme are another option.

Take care!
