Wednesday, April 23, 2008

If anyone really cares, i apologize for the tardiness of my post

it has been a few days since my last post. i did not want to bore you with the mundane aspects of my life. i have been enjoying the weather. i have been sitting on the porch resting and reading. i wish i could do some planting and cleaning of my yard. it needs it big time. i finished the book Three Cups of Tea. i highly recommend it. i have started the book entitled Miraculous Health. the thunderstorm was fabulous. i truly enjoy storms. it most certainly satisfied.
i was tiring of some of my facial hair. it was itching a bit. i cut a portion of it. you can see that i am looking quite rough. :) it is challenging taking pictures of yourself. i will post one of my scar tomorrow.
i have not been able to sleep well due to my intestines. they have not cooperated as much as i would like with the medication. i hope it will respond soon so i do not have to take steroids. we shall see. i see my surgeon tomorrow. i am anxiously awaiting that meeting. i do not know what to expect from the visit. nevertheless, i hope he will let me know when i can drive and when i am able to return to work. we shall see. i will keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

trouper, i'm glad you're keeping the updates going. I like checking in to see what you're writing about and dealing with. The best part is your narrative on the whole experience. You're staying positive about it like you do with everything. Guessing someone else in similar circumstances will run across this someday and be grateful to read about the personal side and not just the medical.

Anonymous said...

I really care.... and have missed hearing about your recovery. I will be very anxious to hear what the surgeon says and what he is willing to let you do now. I know you must be going "stir crazy".... and I hope you can start getting some exercise.

You are an inspiration to everyone in the way in which you are coping..... just wish this darn Crohn's would abate.

Stay Strong. YOM, SandyMartin

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're taking the time to keep us updated Patrick. I check every other pressure though :)

Do let us know how the appointment with the surgeon goes, ok. The vibes continue.


Anonymous said...

Hey Patrick,

Thanks for keeping us posted on your progress--it legitimizes my procrastination (writing my papers that is, not my work). It's much easier to read about what's going on with you.

Hang in there with the Crohn's--hopefully this episode will subside soon. Take care!


Sarah said...

hey patrick...
I am glad to hear about the mundane aspects of your life right now. I am somewhat envious actually as messed up as that sounds-real talk-work is killin me right now! I know you would much rather be working in good health then recovering at home but enjoy this time while you can for what it's worth. It's a good time to refect and get your energy up and renew your outlooks on things-read!?! Man! I can't tell you the last time I was able to pick up a book-so sad!
Anyways, I check in on you almost everyday...I am interested and do care!! Hope the news today is all good. Take care of you and stay up!

kstudie said...

Hi Pat,
Thanks for keeping us in the loop. I am always thinking of you and will be anxious to hear what the surgeon said today. Kay

Anonymous said...

I care! And hoping to hear some positive news about your appointment with the surgeon...

Sun up there today? Snow? Hail? Sleet? Sounds crazy.

Thanks for sharing the big and little goings-on.

xo, Christy

Kris said...

Hey Patrick,

Can't wait to hear how the appointment with Dr. K. went, and especially can't wait to see the photo of your scar. That neurosurgeon of yours is known for his great work and cool scars (I hear that some of them have even been copied for tattoes!)

Hang in there during this part of your recovery period. It must be tough to be trying to heal from your surgery and having your energy zapped by the Crohn's. We're all sending healing vibes, and trying to redirect that qi in your portion of the universe.

Thinking of you every day, Kris

PS Graduation was nice today, but it really wasn't the same without you!!!