Tuesday, April 15, 2008

First Doctor's Appointment After Surgery

i have hot water! the repair guy came early evening and fixed the water heater. the thermostat was the problem. so, i am clean and so are all the dishes that were piling in the sink. what a relief.

i just returned from my appointment with the neurologist. his bedside manner is not the best, but he is good. due to the fact that the tingling in my arms is not constant, he is not that too concerned. he wants to continue to monitor me. he does not know why i am still tingling. finding the tumor most likely had nothing to do with the tingling. he is glad that we were able to take care of that. he is concerned with the fragmentation of care that i have received. i need to contact my GI doctor and ask for all of the blood work i have given over the last 8 years. also, i need to have many additional blood tests done to rule out some other possibilities such as: Vitamin d and B12 deficiencies, MS, Lyme's disease, TB, HLA-B27, FANA, ACE, RPR FTA and CBC. i have no idea what some of these acronyms mean, but i need to be tested for them. i believe they are auto immune type diseases. i have to see him again in six weeks.


Anonymous said...

Trouper, I'm sorry to hear about the headaches and the tingling, but happy to hear you no longer smell!

I'm wishing you the best in making progress toward an optimal recovery. Wally

tracene said...

Patrick, your spirit is AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing your recovery with us. What are some books you would like to read?

Anonymous said...

Patrick -
I am glad to hear you are doing alright and pluggin' along. You are in my prayers, man...I think of you often as I walk over to Morrill or pass by Klaeber on my way to write over lunch...take good care!

Lori Young-Williams