Monday, April 14, 2008

Back on Track

i finished the book that i was reading. it felt really good. it took longer then i thought, but it is a milestone. i am now reading Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. i have a few other books in the queue. i cannot wait

last night i decided not take pain medicine to see if i could make it through the night. bad decision. it took me forever to fall asleep. my head was throbbing but i still did not take any medication. i eventually feel asleep. i am a bit tired. i hope to be able to nap today

it is sad that i am still without hot water. the home plus service people came out at 3:50. they gave me a window between from 8 am to 4. he was here for two hours. he had to call in reinforcements. they informed me that i need a new thermostat. it is three months old and i need a new thrmostat? that is ridiculous! the part will be couriered over sometime today. once i receive it, i have to call home service plus over to install the part. i hope the part comes early. i really need to shower.


Kris said...

Hi patrick,

Tough about the water heater, though it sounds like you might have the makings of a decent short story here! At some point, you might want to take a break from reading, and draft a bit of your own story-with all of its varied chapters.

I must admit though that I'm interested in hearing your reaction to Three Cups of Tea. I just heard about it a couple of weeks ago, and had it on my list.

Well, mostly I'm sending you painfree, sun-filled energy today and hoping that I get to see your smiling face soon. Hang in there, and know that many of us are trying to guide the universe to ease up on you a bit!!! Kris

PS Did a full day of qigong on Friday-can't wait to tell you about it when I see you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Patrick,

I hope you've already gotten your nice hot shower by the time you read this! I'm in Hawaii right now taking care of my dad who just got heart surgery. He is coming along as well as an 82-year old man can. But I've been keeping up with your blog too, so know that I am still sending you bright healing thoughts and lots of aloha.

Blessings, Sharon

Anonymous said...

Wow! A night without pain meds. Good for you!

Hoping the hot water arrives soon.

You're very much in my thoughts my friend!
