Monday, May 5, 2008

Wasted Trip

my stomach and intestines are still not doing that well, but they are much better then last week. i am glad i have my doctor's appointment.

i had an appointment with my primary care physician. i needed some blood work done and also to find a new internal medicine doctor. due to changes in my insurance, i had to find a new doctor. i have only had to primary care physicians in my life. the clinics and individuals i wanted to be seen by were not accepting new patients for quite some time. i called a clinic near my home and got an appointment today. my appointment today is with a female physician. i have never had a female primary doctor. i have to admit i was a bit nervous about seeing one. not that i think that she would not be good. it has all to do with the comfort factor of telling her about any male issues i might be having and having. after seeing her, my apprehensiveness was ill founded. she was delightful. however, i need to return next week to have the blood work done. she did not have the proper information of what tests to order. i have to contact my neurologist to have them relay to her what i need done. i thought this was going to be easy, but obviously it is not.


Anonymous said...

Hey Patrick,

Just checking up. Hope you are feeling better!! This weather should be a motivator for you - its finally getting nice out there.

Take Care.


Crystal Flint said...

Hey Patrick:

I apologize for taking so long to post a comment (Thank You for the Updates though). If I were to tell you all that is going on with me your headache would come back and I would not want to be the cause of that.

I do look forward to seeing you around Klaeber.

I pray that your recovery is continuing to go in a great direction. See you soon.

God Bless