Friday, May 16, 2008

it was the last Friday before i return to work. of course, it is finally getting nice out. seven weeks have flown by. i have to say i am feeling much better. i am a bit apprehensive about returning to work and being in meetings and such. it will be a radical transition.

i spent much of the morning with my primary care physician. she checked me up, down and all around. she was supposed to have received information from my neurologist but she had not. she inquired with the records department, but there was nothing. i really cannot believe that they did not send anything to them. they were very good in getting information to my GI and ophthalmologist. at least this time i brought all of the letters and documentation i received from all of the doctors. together we pieced what type of blood work i should have done. i had 8 test tubes of blood drawn, tetanus shot and a TB scratch. needless to say, i am tired of needles. i should have the results next week and i am able to access them online. i have to say that it is pretty slick even though i have no idea what some of the tests are or what is good or bad.


Anonymous said...

Hi Patrick,
So glad to hear back from you and learn all the update. I believe all the energy vibes got ya and you'll feel much, much better soon. Summer is really coming, get outside for the sunshine and some fresh air, enjoy the birds chirping, take a deep breath by knowing that we all are thinking of you and wish for the best.
Take care..
Your friend

Anonymous said...

It's going to be so good to have you back at work Patrick!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hey Patrick,

I'll come by and check on you tomorrow.
