Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Waiting Game

i have to thank all of you for your prompt posts. i deeply appreciate the kind and warm words. they most certainly help.

i figured you all would take a look at the blog wondering why on earth i would create a blog and how did he ever gain the knowledge to create one. it most certainly will not be a high tech blog, but i will do my best to make it entertaining. i will post some scar photos. needless to say, my aspirations of being a top model have been dashed. :)

last night was a tough night for me. i had an excruciating headache that was accompanied by tingling in my arms and legs; eye pain (i have Iritis, which is inflammation of the iris); and the resurgence/flair up of my Crohn's. as you can see, i am the poster child of good health. :) i had difficulty sitting still. so, i went for a long drive/loop around lakes Calhoun, Cedar, Nokomis, Harriet and Isle. it conjured up some pleasant and not so pleasant memories of high school. it did give me time to reflect about my about my life. i believe i have gained better insight into myself and in regards to what i am currently experiencing. as a result, i am exhausted both mentally and physically. before last night, i believed i was handling all of this in stride, but after last night, i am not so sure. i just want to have the operation and get this all over with.

thank god for march madness to help aid me in my search for sanity. although they are painful to watch and i did not pick them to go much further, Go Badgers!


Anonymous said...

You are in my thoughts Patrick...I am here for you always.

You are an amazing person.

Stay strong.


Kris said...

Hi patrick,

Thanks so much for creating this blog. It is such a gift for all of us who care so deeply for you. It's a very special offering from you to share your innermost thoughts and feelings as well as the detailed medical info!!

I'll be sending positive energy, prayers, white light, and anything else that I can muster on Tuesday morning.

If you give us an inkling about which games matter most, I'll download and tape some March madness for you so that you can catch up after your well-deserved post-surgery rest!!!!

Many hugs and much love as you continue to prepare and then undertake the next leg of your journey, Kris

Unknown said...


So you are terribly brave, my friend, and very considerate for taking the time to share your feelings about everything that's happening to you.
I have found that it is at times such as these that our true character are an example for all of us. I will pray for you, Patrick.

If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to call. I know that PA is pretty far away, but I would fly to MN in a heartbeat if you need me!

Much love to you,


Anonymous said...


You are in our thoughts and prayers. Nice technology skills.

TD and Libby

Anonymous said...

I don't know what is more of a shock to me, that you are dealing with this health issue or that you figured out how to create a blog. The Ingber 5 sends our love and prayers, will be sending good vibes for a smooth and easy recovery...


Anonymous said...


Following the gasp of reading your news, I was ready with all of these words of sympathy, support, encouragement, etc, when really, it's all about the gift of calling you dear friend for 30 years now. I look forward to the next 30!

Surely a week down here in sunny Mexico would be on doctor's orders, no?


Anonymous said...

We're sending you much love and pray that you will recover easily and quickly! Here's to something that makes you reflect on your life thus far! Smile and know that you have people from every part of your life who are thinking great thoughts for you!
love, Jess (little Ingy)

Sarah said...

Hey Patrick!
The waiting game can be the worst part mentally! Please remember you are not in this alone, just by looking at your blog you can see the community of people who care about you deeply! It is amazing. You will get through this! There is no progress without are in my thoughts and prayers please know. Stay up always. Peace and love.

Anonymous said...


You know your modeling career could never have compared to Lauer's, were he not tragically felled by the 4 am Studabaker takedown!

I'm happy to get on that plane with Erica from PA anytime you need me. The Kays are thinking of you and praying for you (it never hurts to cover your bases with religion).

Can't wait to see you in Madtown in the fall.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your blog. We appreciate all of the medical info and your thoughts. Please know that we are here to offer our support and help in any way we can. Don't hesitate to contact us. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Hilary and Stacey

Dan Wick said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers, buddy.

Keep up your great attitude and strength.


Anonymous said...

Hey Patrick,

Wow... a blog! A terrific idea. (And now that I know you're a techie, you can get your own wireless internet running in Klaber Court! ;)

The vibes are continuing my friend.


Anonymous said...


I picture you driving around the lakes and wish we could be there with you to take the corners. You are on our minds nonstop. When you are ready, a respite from all this tough stuff is waiting for you in Portland.
Love, cindy and tony

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat,

I appreciate your sense of humor. At the same time, I am concerned for your well being.

While my kids do not know who you are, they do pray for you every night.

My expectation is that you fight with the same tenacity that has made you a successful adult.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing such sensitive information about your health. To hear of your positive attitude towards this and the sense of your humor you're keeping is amazing! I imagine you're going to come out of this smiling. :)

You're in my thoughts-


Anonymous said...


I'm glad I've gotten the chance to know you better the past couple of years. You are a strong and resilient person who always finds humor in everything. I'll send good thoughts your way and hope that you have a speedy recovery. Look forward to hanging out post-surgery.


Fyarl said...

I will be thinking healing thoughts for you. :)


Anonymous said...

Dear Patrick,
I'm sorry I'm so late in getting to your blog. Here I thought it was going to be about Second Life or politics or you sharing your wonderful philosophical insights with us. Wow... so glad I read it so I can send you positive energy. Please let me know if you would be ok with me passing this on to some of your St. Kate's fans. Know that you are still beloved as part of the CSC community. I'll light a candle for you. Let me know if you want the Bethany sisters to put their magic to work for you! THanks for the Updates and you hang in there. We have lots of work to do to elimate racism - and it's just gettin' good!
Take care my friend. Let us know when you'll be up for visitors and I'll rally the troups (no pun intended ( : )
Peace and strength my friend!
You're the best.
P.S. I'm new to this blogging deal. Please excuse me if this posted more than once. Obviously not as technologically advanced as you!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for sharing with us this difficult time in your life. I offer you my support in anything you might need during this time and during the process of recovery. You are a great person. Keep your sense of humor and you will see how things will not seem as difficult. I wish you the best. I will miss you a lot while you are gone. Things are not the same without you. I hope you feel better and that we get to enjoy your company again very soon.

Take care,


Unknown said...


Good luck tomorrow my friend, our prayers and much strength to you!

Mark Y

Anonymous said...


You are in my thoughts and we all look forward to hearing positive news soon, mate.

Matt H.

RAHalvorson said...


You're in my thoughts and prayers! Don't think for one minute that you're modeling days are over...I know for a fact that scars are all the rage in Italy this season.


Anonymous said...


My thoughts and prayers are with you and the surgeon who will be performing the procedure. I'll look forward to hearing the good news as you recover.

Best Wishes to you,


Anonymous said...

How amazing that I would receive a link to your blog today from a pal at St. Kate's. I was in a cab from the airport on West 7 and as we passed Queen of Sheba, I thought of you and how the first and last time I ever went there was with you for lunch in your zippy convertible.
I'm sad to hear that you're struggling with health issues (and the health care system) but hopefully good wishes, your good sense of humor and March Madness will offer some relief. I'm sending you positive energy and am sure no matter what you will always be eligible for America's Next Top Model ;-)
*You will prevail!*
Gabrielle (that prof at St. Kate's who you lost touch with oh so long ago . . . ;-) )

Anonymous said...

I have as a Clinical Researcher stood in the OR during several brain operations. THe first was scary, but turned out well, and the most recent was scary, and turned out well. But I have never known personally the patient. I am in a bit of a shock to have learned you are undergoing surgery... Is it true? Please tell me I am all confused and concerned for nothing, that this is a mis-understanding, or I dreamed it.

There are hundreds who have been touched by your kindness, and humor, and affected by your laughter. Me too. I will be thinking about you.

I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
Jonathan James

Anonymous said...

patrick, you have been part of our family for 34 years and I love you like my own son. You are in my heart, thoughts, and mostly, my prayers. I KNOW you will be fine, just wish you didn't have to go through it all.

I'll be waiting to hear your version of this experience...and fully expect a bestseller!

Love from your other mother,

Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow! Stay strong and positive thoughts and prayers are going your way.


(Damn...I got megged by a dude with a tumor! : )

Anonymous said...


Thanks for keeping us up to date as you go through this difficult situation. I wish you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. I might even lace up my gym shoes and take to the court once you are able to be active again:) That should give you something to look forward to.


Anonymous said...

Hey Troup

You will be in my prayers and I look forward to seeing you back on the field soon. Stay strong.

Joe Hnath

Anonymous said...

Patrick -
I am thinking of you as you recover from your surgery and as you lay still and reflect more about yourself, your life. You are a beautiful person, a gift to us all. Please know that my prayers and good vibes are coming your's all so precious. Take good care.