Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Crani Prep

i had my dry run at the surgery unit today. they took numerous pints of blood, asked the questions regarding my medical history for the umpteenth time, chest x-ray and gained a deeper glimpse of what to expect during and after surgery. the nurses i have encountered have been exceptionally kind. all of them have raved about the neurosurgeon performing my operation, Dr. Jerone Kennedy. Although he is supposed to be the best brain surgeon in Minnesota, i have to admit i am a bit anxious about the surgery. what i am dreading most is the thought of not being able to do ANYTHING athletic for three months! that is uncharted territory for the kid. i can only imagine how irritable i will be. i feel sorry for anyone that will be spending any amount of extended time with me.


Anonymous said...


Kelly Flinn just forwarded me your blog info. I'll be thinking of you on the 25th.

Since you won't be able to play any sports for a while, let's get Flinn, Mullin and a few other degenerates together and toast to your healthy return to competitive kick ball. Take care of yourself and I look forward to seeing you this spring.

Rob Blake

MULLIN said...


peace and health!


Anonymous said...

Hey buddy

good luck with the surgery

looks like you will be good to go by the 4th of July

take care


Anonymous said...

Hey Trouper - thinking of you lots!!! As Robert said, being one of the degenerates, it's only right that we plan the celebration party. That's my role and I accept.

Love you so much, sending you great energy, and planning the partego!!!

Kelly Flinn

Anonymous said...

Patrick! I am thinking of you. I had no idea. Please let me know anything I can do. Warm thoughts from California.

Anonymous said...

Hi Patrick,
Jeanne called me after reading your blog. You are in my thoughts and prayers and you will remain there during your recovery. If you get cabin fever during your recovery and feel the need to look at different scenery, our homes in Philadelphia and Tampa Florida are open to you. Wishing you the best.
Ken and Mary Murphy (Jeanne's Parents)

Anonymous said...

Hello Patrick,

It's Ken Anderson here, your photo-shoot director's husband. I am so sorry for what you have to go through - I was going to tell you to keep your spirits high, but from reading your blog it looks like your spirits are already high! You will be fine, and are in good hands. Zion and I think of you every day. You have our full support.

Kay said...

Pat - I'll spend time with you no matter what your mental state is...I'll hold you in my thoughts and prayers on Tuesday (and everyday). With much affection, Kay

Kerryann said...


I just got your blog from Bradley. If anyone can come through this shining, it is you. Thinking of you today and next week.


Anonymous said...

What's a blog? Good luck Pat; I'll be thinking about you.

John Severn

Anonymous said...


I am still shocked and speechless. We will be thinking about you and giving you all our best thoughts.


Anonymous said...


Thinking of you....if you need any support, I can help you at anytime!
Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. All my love, Hil