Monday, June 16, 2008

Stuck @ the Doctors

Last week was a week full of doctor's appointments. i finally met with the cardiologist. i also had an appointment with my neurologist. i am growing tired of visiting them.

the cardiologist told me nothing i did not already know. i new i had a slow heart rate, which he confirmed. it was interesting seeing the rhythm of my heart beat and when it spiked and dropped. it did drop a few times or skipped a beat once or twice during the night. it was cool seeing how it would go up if i exerted myself.

Friday, i spent almost the entire afternoon in the doctor's office. he was running 2 hours late! At least i ran into an old family friend and was able to get caught up with her while we both waited to see him. once i got into the back room, he made me wait for an additional hour. i understand people running late, but his bedside manner is terrible. he is a brilliant guy and does care for me and his other patients, but he does not know how to convey information in a warm way. he stated that he is concerned that i am still having numbness. he ordered additional blood tests. when i have my next MRI, he wants them to take photos of my lumbar. he believes i may have a swollen/inflamed spinal cord. that is difficult to see on a MRI. they took an image of that before, but he said that it might not have shown up and he has seen that happen before. he is worried that it might be ms, myelitis or neuropathy. he is going to refer me to the head of neurology at the University of Minnesota to continue my care. i will see him whenever i can get an appointment. He does not want me to use the drugs that my GI doctor wanted me to take. that is a relief for i did not want to take them. i would have to have a lot of blood drawn and it might adversely affect my liver. i do not need any other problems

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