Monday, June 9, 2008

Many Thanks!

i want to thank all of the individuals that attended the gathering on Saturday. it was a phenomenal event, one that i will cherish for the rest of my life.

as i was driving over tot he hall on Saturday, i was thinking to myself that there would be just a handful of Kicker's. to my surprise, it was packed. the event was surreal. i had to pinch myself for i did not believe it to be real. one never knows how much one is loved until you get sick. i truly felt the love. what was the most amazing aspect of the event was the generosity of individuals that i did not know until Saturday. when i have doubts about the world, i will look back to Saturday night and i know that there is hope left for this world. Thank you to all that planned the event, attended and dontated items and time. i am a lucky man


Sarah said...

Sorry i missed this


I am glad the turn out was so great--it is a reflection of your character and all the love out there just for you!!!!!

Sometimes we need reminders...and that there is hope for us all afterall ;)

Many blessings to you!!!

Anonymous said...


I was there in spirit! I was out of town or I would have been there! @ any rate, I'm not surprised about the outpouring of support. You reap what you sow! :)


Mike Baynes